This work gives a solution to a fundamental question in
structural biology: Why do metaphase chromosomes have their characteristic
elongated cylindrical shape? The proposed solution is consistent with the
structure of metaphase chromatin and with the nanomechanical properties of
chromatin and chromosomes. It is a research at the interface between biology
(higher order chromatin structure) and physical sciences (supramolecular
structures and nanomaterials). This approach goes beyond the capabilities of
current structural biology based on X-ray crystallography, because it allows
the study of an enormous supramolecular assembly that cannot be crystallized.
The work has been published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
In the cell nucleus, genomic DNA molecules are associated
with histone proteins and form long chromatin filaments containing many
nucleosomes. Previous microscopy
studies performed by researchers at the
Chromatin Laboratory directed by professor Joan-Ramon Daban (Biosciences Unit
of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UAB) showed that,
during cell division, chromatin filaments are folded into multilayer planar
structures. This discovery led to the thin-plate model in which it was proposed
that condensed chromosomes are formed by many stacked layers of chromatin
oriented perpendicular to the chromosome axis.
The measurements performed by professor Daban show that
chromosomes of different animal and plant species exhibit great differences in
size (which are dependent on the amount of DNA that they contain), but in all
cases chromosomes are elongated cylinders that have relatively similar shape
proportions (the length to diameter ratio is approximately 13).
This study demonstrates that it is possible to explain this
morphology by considering that chromosomes are self-organizing supramolecular
structures formed by stacked layers of planar chromatin having different
nucleosome-nucleosome interaction energies in different regions. The nucleosomes
in the periphery of the chromosome are less stabilized by the attractive
interactions with other nucleosomes and this generates a surface potential that
destabilizes the structure. Chromosomes are smooth cylinders because this
morphology has a lower surface energy than structures having irregular
surfaces. The symmetry breaking produced by the different values of the surface
energies in the telomeres and in the lateral surface explains the elongated
structure of the chromosomes.
The results obtained by other authors in nanomechanical
studies of chromatin and chromosome stretching have been used to test the
proposed supramolecular structure. It is demonstrated quantitatively that
internucleosome interactions between chromatin layers can justify the work
required for elastic chromosome stretching. Chromosomes can be considered as
hydrogels with a lamellar liquid crystal organization. These hydrogels have
outstanding elastic properties because, in addition to the covalent bonds of
the DNA backbone, they have attractive ionic interactions between nucleosomes
that can be regenerated when the chromosome suffers a deformation. This
self-healing capacity has been observed in nanotechnology studies of other
hydrogels stabilized by ionic interactions. In the cell, this may be useful for
the maintenance of chromosome integrity during mitosis.
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